Wednesday, September 19, 2018

7 Top Online Health Tips - Daily Care Guidelines

Due to busy and hectic scheduled of the people they are ignoring their health problems. Moreover, people are suffering from so many diseases that are creating the hindrances in their life. Here are some of the online health tips that will definitely help you a lot in making you physically and mentally fit.
1. One should always drink more and more water as it removes the toxins from the body. Try not to drink excessively tea, coffee or cold drinks as it is not good for health.
2. A sleep of 8 hours a day is really good for heath. This helps in our body's upgrading and also improves our immune system. One can also do some yoga or meditation in order to get relax. Complete sleep also helps us in reducing the body stress.
3. Eating junk food on a daily basis is also one of the major problems that invite the number of health diseases. We should try to eat the greenly food as it makes our body healthy.

4. Doing exercise on a regular basis also makes our body physically fit. Join a group or a gym that can help in making a habit to take out some time for your body also.
5. Breakfast is the most important meal that helps to start the metabolism of our body after a long sleep. It can be a little bit heavy but if you can't eat heavy breakfast then go for some fruit salads.
6. One should always try to go for a regular medical checkup that helps us to determine that whether we have some health problems or not.
7. We should always try to wake up early in the morning as it makes our body healthy and wealthy fit.
These are some of the online health tips that can be really helpful for us in many ways. Merely by following all these steps, you can make yourself completely stress free and more energetic. 
Did you know that the body is 70% water by composition? We need to drink enough water each day to keep our body hydrated and stop our cells from drying out. But how much is enough?
There are different recommendations for how much water people should drink each day. The standard recommendation is 2 litres per day. Another recommendation is to drink between 30-35ml per kilogram of body weight per day. So, a person who weighs 70kg will need 2.1 to 2.5 litres. This is the amount of water that is required to turn over just for day to day normal activity".
Some of the roles of water and hydration in the body are, transportation of nutrients, elimination of wastes, lubricating the joints and tissues, facilitating digestion, aiding concentration, keeping the skin looking younger and more vitality.
If you are doing any physical activity, then you need more water. People who work outdoors on hot days may require four, five or six litres of water per day. Researchers have questioned the need for this amount of water each day, but there is not really any need for researchers to tell us the body needs water.
To illustrate why the water in the body needs to turn over and move, think about a stagnant pool and a flowing river. A stagnant pond does not sustain life because it has no energy about it. A flowing river sustains life and has a tremendous energy about it. The molecules of water are the same, but the difference is the molecules are moving in the case of the river and not in the stagnant pond. Water needs to move through and not stagnate in the body.
One of the best ways of gauging our hydration status is the color of our urine. The darker the color the more concentrated it is. This means the body is hanging on to water to preserve what it has. Urine should be clear or pale straw yellow and is so when we have enough water on board.
Some say they do not like the taste of water of are just not used to drinking it.
Here are some tips to overcome this.
1) Squeeze lemon or orange juice into the water.
2) If you are not used to drinking much water, every time you have one glass, have a second.
3) To start more gradually, have an extra half glass when you have one full glass of water and build it up from there. The aim is to get this to a stage where you actually miss your water if you do not have it.
4) When you feel hungry between meals, first have a glass of water. If after ten minutes you are still hungry have another. If you are still hungry ten minutes later have something to eat
People who spend much of their lives in a slightly dehydrated form do not have a comparison. Common symptoms of this are tiredness headaches and problems concentrating. Once the body is hydrated, you will notice when your body is getting slightly dehydrated. This will send you running to replenish. When you are at this stage you have reached sustainability.
The body is 70% water and like a river the water needs to flow. It is easy once you get into the "flow" of it. Water is the second pillar of DIY Health.

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