Saturday, September 15, 2018

Power Food For Powerful Health

Secret of good health is healthy food. Our life has become so mechanized and we tend to eat which is fast and easy, which triggers eating disorder and results in many diseases. There are two very important things related with good health first one is knowledge: It is very important to know what is good for health so read and question about values addition about food. Second is Good habit, It can be developed over the time.
There are many types of food available but only few qualify for power food, why so? Power food is that food which carries all essential elements required for building better health. You must know about them i.e. acquire knowledge and include them in your everyday meal i.e. cultivate good habit.
Following are the list of important and essential five power food, include them in your meal and you will realize the difference in with in a week's time.
Yogurt and skim milk: Yogurt has active culture bacteria which helps preventing any yeast related disease. It has calcium which helps strengthening bone. Skim milk has calcium, vitamin D. it helps improving vision, eczema and allergies.
Fish (salmon, mackerel, crab, clams, tuna and mussels): it gives you Vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, Iron and potassium. It is good for brain and reducing chances of heart attack.
Wheat gram, Lentils and peanut, apricot and figs: It is good source of magnesium, vitamin E, Fiber, Protein, Fat, vitamin A, Vitamin B6, potassium. This pack is known as energy pack. One must make sure to use any three from this pack every day.
Tomato, Lemon Barriers (cranberry, raspberry), Raisins: Lycopene, Limonene, furocoumarins and vitamin C, iron, ellagic acid. This pack is known as protector pack. It is advisable to eat them daily.
Garlic, ginger, onion, broccoli and spinach: Quercetin, Indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane, vitamin C and beta-carotene. Lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids, sulfur compounds, Wellness power food, must be included in lunch, power break fast and dinner.
One must take blanched combination of above mentioned power food pack. You must include at least two to three ingredients from each pack; this will ensure strong immune system, good health and active body all day.

You have been thinking about becoming healthier. You know you are a few or several pounds overweight. You want to do the right things to improve your quality of life. Becoming a healthier person requires several key elements to be successful. You need a plan. You need to change. You need a goal or goals. Once you establish these your chance for success will be greatly improved. Start today to be a healthier person.
Your life is the most important part of you. It is a gift that you must not take for granted. You must do everything in your power to keep your health in order to function at the best or optimal level you can. For some it is easy but for most people it is very hard. You must concentrate everyday of your life on doing things right for your health. You must exercise. You must eat right. You must study. You must do constant and effective research on the art of being healthy.
Our world has evolved into an amazing place with technological wonders that provide information to your fingertips. Your cell phone, computer, iPod are all devices that provide sources of information. Their ability to help you become a healthier person can be done so by providing you information quickly. 

If you need advice on any subject pertaining to health, you can call, email, text message, do a web search and answer any question you have about health. You will be provided so much information that you will need to research out what is fact and what is fiction. For example, what should you eat? That simple and basic question will require hours of research, years of learning what you can and cannot eat, and being vigilante about any and every thing that enters your mouth and body.
Here are just a few things you need to work on in order to become a healthier person:
1. You need to remove toxins from your life
2. You need to stop smoking or smoke healthier e-cigarettes
3. You need to see yourself as the healthy person you want to become
4. You need to evaluate your current health and fitness program
5. You need to get the support of your family, friends and partners
6. You need to learn to eat nutrient rich foods to replenish your body.

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