Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Foods & Herbs That Inhibit Helicobacter Pylori

Triple therapy antibiotics that are typically used to treat H pylori are declining in effectiveness. Whereas treatments used to yield 80-90% success rates, some studies published in the medical journal Helicobacter are now showing cure rates of only 50%. It appears as though the H pylori bacteria are becoming resistant to the antibiotics, especially Clarithromycin.
In addition, the medications used in triple therapy also cause very unpleasant side effects for some people and may also lead to yeast and fungal overgrowth, particularly with the Candida organism, which can lead to further digestive symptoms.
Many people are now seeking natural alternatives to triple therapy as a result of the decline in antibiotic efficacy. However there are many spurious and false claims from websites claiming that they have the best solution. In fact, only a few herbs and supplements are effective against H pylori and they need to be used in the right way otherwise they may not be effective.
It is also very important to understand that 'inhibit' does not mean 'eradicate'. Just because a claim is made that something 'inhibits' H pylori does not mean that it will solve the problem!
#1 - Mastic Gum
Mastic Gum is a very good supplement to use against H pylori. Studies have shown that it not only inhibits H pylori, it also kills it. It should be used for 60-90 days and combined with dietary changes to reduce inflammation in the stomach and intestine. If the diet changes are not made, it does not work as effectively. It is also very important to purchase high quality mastic gum.
#2 - Matula Herbal Formula
Matula is, in my experience, the most effective herbal supplement for cleansing the stomach. Stool tests have shown time and time again that H pylori is no longer present after a 30-day course of Matula. Because Matula works so quickly it is actually the least expensive option.
#3 - Olive Oil
The polyphenols in olive oil have been shown to have anti-H pylori action although there is no evidence that olive oil alone can completely eradicate the bacteria. Because olive oil is generally a healthy oil, it is wise to use it regularly in one's diet.
#4 - Cabbage Juice
Vitamin U, which is not actually a vitamin at all, is a component of cabbage juice that has been shown in Russia to help heal ulcers. It is possible to juice cabbage using a vegetable juicer.
#5 - Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is an excellent anti-microbial agent. It contains lauric acid, which can break down the cell membranes of bacteria and parasites. It is also a wonderful oil to cook with and although it contains saturated fats, the structure of the fatty acids helps support the thyroid gland, improve metabolism and helps people lose weight.
#6 - DGL
DGL is an abbreviation for deglycerrhized licorice root. It protects the stomach lining and has shown some anti-microbial action against H pylori. Taken on its own, however, it is unlikely that DGL can defeat H pylori.
Using these foods and herbs in the correct manner can inexpensively help reduce and eliminate the symptoms associated with H pylori in a matter of 5-60 days, with no side effects.
Symptoms of Helicobacter Pylori

Helicobacter pylori is a spiral shaped bacterium that lives in the stomach and small intestine of humans and some animals. It can cause a vast array of symptoms both in the digestive system and in other parts of the body.
Drs Robin Warren and Barry Marshall won the Nobel Prize for Physiology & Medicine when they proved that H pylori causes stomach ulcers. In fact, H pylori is now known to cause 80% stomach ulcers and 90% duodenal ulcers. It is also thought to cause stomach cancer and has recently been associated with heart disease.
When I had H pylori, from 2004-2007, I suffered many of the symptoms listed below. It is important to understand that chronic digestive infections can cause symptoms outside the digestive system.
Symptom #1 - Heartburn & reflux. Contrary to belief, these symptoms are not usually caused by excess stomach acid. They are caused by acid burning irritated tissue that has been damaged by H pylori or foods. Some people gain significant relief by actually taking acid supplements!
Symptom #2 - Gastritis. H pylori causes an inflammatory response in the stomach, leading to gastritis.
Symptom #3 - Nausea. As with many digestive infections, H pylori causes nausea, particularly in the mornings. This can be confused with morning sickness in women.
Symptom #4 - Vomiting. When people first acquire the infection, it can cause severe vomiting. Chronic infections can also cause morning sickness. If there are bleeding ulcers, coffee-like grains can be seen in the vomit. Medical attention should be sought immediately.
Symptom #5 - Bloating. Helicobacter actually shuts down acid production in the stomach (which is why antacids like Nexium, Zantac and Prilosec should not be used long term). If food cannot be digested properly it can putrefy and cause bloating in the intestines.
Symptom #6 - Diarrhoea. The disruption to the digestive process caused by Helicobacter pylori can lead to excess water being secreted into the intestines, causing diarrhoea.
Symptom #7 - Constipation. If a chronic H pylori infection shuts down acid production in the stomach, the entire digestive process can be shut down and 'backed up'. Some individuals may experience constipation whereas some may develop diarrhoea.
Symptom #8 - Bad Breath / Halitosis. Gases produced by improperly digested foods and oral H pylori infections can cause bad breath.
Symptom #9 - Fatigue. It is known that B vitamin and iron absorption does not function correctly when people have H pylori. If the infection stops food being digested and absorbed, metabolism cannot run properly, leading to fatigue.

Symptom #10 - PMS / Depression / Anxiety. Similarly, if nutrition depletion occurs the chemicals needed to maintain mood, such as hormones and neurotransmitters, cannot be produced by the body. This can lead to many mood disorders.

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