Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Faith and the Big Bang Theory of Creation

Scientists have faith that a random and spontaneous Big Bang, followed by Nucleo-Synthesis in expanding dark matter coalesced to form the Universe over 4 billion years ago. Steady State Theory has recently been abandoned for an acceptance that a universal resonant frequency is the "echo" of the bang. They have faith that in this rapid expansion of the universe, the Sun spontaneously ignited and held certain matter in its orbit. After closer examination they are now reporting that the universal temperature is a constant. 
They have now reduced the time for the formation of the universe and the elements to less than 3 minutes in order to compensate for the cooling affect over time. Then they say several billion years later that the Planets randomly formed by meteor collisions that coalesced into solid spheres. We are then asked to have faith that one particular random coalescence led to the formation of the Earth and Moon at the exact distance from the Sun necessary to support organic life. 

Then they say that billions of years ago ice carrying comets struck the earth and deposited more minerals and nutrients to support the extraterrestrial amino and nucleic acids deposited by subsequent meteors. Then the earth was almost completely covered by water. Some water was salty, and some water was fresh. Scientists have now discovered that at some time or another, every continent of the face of the earth was under salt water. So when the water recedes we are to have faith that lightning struck some rancid fresh water and the amino acids began to form single celled life;
And that those cells randomly evolved into a life form capable of climbing onto land and breath oxygen from evolved lungs; and then those organisms evolved into Dinosaurs; and then a random meteorite shower or an instantaneous global volcanic activity, or a disease, or all of the above destroyed the dinosaurs; and then the Earth was covered by salt water; again; then it receded; and then some lightning hit the new rancid fresh water; and new amino acids formed to make new life forms. And this completely new form of life of evolved to breath on land and that some of those life forms eventually walked upright and then one of those life forms built a rocket and traveled to the moon in search of new life forms.
That's faith. Faith is the position no matter which side of the argument one is on. The cumulative probability of each of these independent scientific evolutionary phenomena resulting in life is immeasurable. The probability that an Omniscient Spiritual Force created the universe is 50/50. It either happened or it did not. The concept that modern Humans evolved from simple microorganisms to form complex ideologies regarding their existence is in itself a mythology. 
The advent of published evolutionary thought is assigned to the Greek philosopher Anaximander (610 - 546 B.C.). He is believed to be the first to hypothesize and publish that Humans evolved from aquatic life forms. The Chinese philosopher Chuang Tsu (≈ 350 B.C.) was first to publish the concept that life forms have the innate ability to transform and adapt to their surroundings.
Western Science does not discover "evolution" until 1858 when Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace race to publish Tsu's 2,000-year-old theory. The case for evolutionary theory is limited. The concept that individual organic organisms exist in isolation is also evidence for divine creation, as it supposes that individual organisms were created for the conditions in which they were intended to exist.
The Evolution argument also lacks the sufficient transitional fossil evidence necessary to prove that aquatic organisms mutated into Humans. Every fossil is unique to its location and time. There are no fossilized remains to show a definite transition in any species. The debate for the creation of the universe is currently grounded in scientific theories and known observational "facts." The Evolutionists believe that the universe exploded into existence. Creation Science claims the universe was spoken into existence.
The Genesis Revelation: A Scientifically Correct Translation of the Hebrew Book of Genesis, A Consolidated Mythological History of the Antediluvian World, And The Most Comprehensive Argument for Creation Science Ever Written
The Mystery of The Anointed Messiah and Divine Creation are the most controversial and misunderstood subjects known to Humankind. For thousands of years, Scientists, Theologians, and Laypersons alike have studied the Holy Bible in search of logical and practical solutions for these and the many other Biblical mysteries. Creationism is the original theory for existence and the advent of scientific thought has rendered the current case for creation impotent in light of the evidences. 
The theory that the Earth and all life on it were created in 6 actual days is incomprehensible to this new and more learned generation of faithful, skeptics, and agnostics. They seek a spiritual truth that is more consistent with what we have discovered about the Universe. The current Translation is scientifically archaic and skewed by the Old Testament Tradition that served as its basis. 
The original Hebrew and Greek languages tell a completely different story. The Universe and Planet Earth are as old as they need to be to look the way they do. The Authors of the Ancient Manuscript understood this and they properly communicated these ideas in Hebrew and Greek. It is time for a scientifically credible translation of Genesis. The Genesis Revelation will provide one.

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