Thursday, September 20, 2018

Causes of Tiredness - The Real Reason You Feel Tired

What are the causes of tiredness? What is the real reason you feel tired? Most people will try to tell you that you aren't getting enough rest at night, or that you are working too much, even that you are overly stressed. While these are reasons for being tired all the time, they are only part of a bigger picture on excessive fatigue or chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as CFS.
In the modern medical world, CFS is a little known illness that seems to affect a lot of people, leaving doctors and other health care professionals scratching their heads in wonder at what truly is the real cause behind chronic fatigue syndrome. At the same time homeopathic and alternative doctors and professionals are helping some CFS sufferers feel better and eliminate the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome through natural remedies and body cleanses.
So what is it that these alternative professionals know that medical professionals do not? Well it's not a case of one knowing something that the other does not know; it is more a case of what one easily accepts as it is a natural occurring problem versus what one chooses not to accept as it was not taught in their extensive schooling.
There are three main causes for CFS that a health conscience professional will tell you could be the real reasons you feel tired. These 3 reasons include a parasitic infection, fungal overgrowth, or excessive heavy metals in the body. Okay, so what do all of these mean? How do they occur and how do we treat them?
Having high levels of heavy metals in the body and blood stream, such as arsenic, mercury, can lead to the immune system being disabled, and other important organs or glands shutting down. When this happens the body is left wear and vulnerable to many other illnesses that can lead to CFS and other related health issues.

Having a fungal infection usually means an overgrowth of candida yeast in one's body; this is a common problem with those people who are on constant high doses of prescription medications, especially antibiotics. These types of medicines act like food and nutrients for the candida to feed on, causing rapid growth of this fungus in the body. Much like with the heavy metals, fungal infections wear down the body's immune system leaving a person open for other infections and leaving excessive fatigue in its wake.
Parasites can be found in the foods that people eat or drink, and they can be transmitted from one host to another through the bite or sting of blood sucking insects. This type of parasitic infection latches onto your body which acts like a host that provides the microorganisms with nourishment to grow into adulthood. While the parasites are taking nutrients from your body, your immune defense is being lowered, your energy is being zapped and chronic fatigue and other possible health issues start to show up.
By being aware of these three possible causes of CFS, we can have a better understanding of what to look for and what kinds of questions to ask any kind of health professional, be it one of modern conventional medicines or one of a more natural and holistic medicine. Then once a proper diagnosis is given, we can start treatments that will being to eliminate these possible causes from our bodies, leaving us feeling healthier and more energized then before.

Do you find yourself sleepy a lot? The following article will address the real reason why you're always sleepy. With the hectic lives that people lead in this present day and age, being tired and sleepy are not uncommon feelings for most people. Yet realizing that they are sufferers of a disorder called chronic fatigue syndrome is not something that they regularly think about. Instead they simply believe that if they slowed down some and got a full night of rest that they would feel better, but this doesn't always work.
If you are one of these people who always feel tired and sleepy even after a full eight hours of work, then you might be one of those who suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome also known as CFS. There are many symptoms that are associated with this disorder that mimic those of other illnesses which makes CFS one of those health problems that are not always easily detected or diagnosed.
The signs and symptoms of CFS include one or more of the following:
  • Chest Pains
  • Chills or Night Sweats
  • Chronic Headaches
  • Coughing
  • Excessive or Chronic Fatigue
  • Inability to Focus or Stay on Task
  • Insomnia or Restless Sleep
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Loss of Memory
  • Muscular and Joint Aches and Pains
  • Nausea
  • Sudden Drop in Attendance in Work or School
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Unexplained Increase in Allergies
As can be seen, these symptoms can also point to the possibility of other medical issues, but if you have been under the care of a medical professional for one or more of these symptoms and nothing seems to be helping, try to ask about chronic fatigue syndrome. While there is no cure for this disorder there is always the possibility of lessening the symptoms of this serious problem within one's body and one's life.

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