Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Cancer Treatment - The New Promise of Hope

These days, oncology (branch of medicine dealing with the studies of cancer) proposes an enormous promise of hope, so far after the following guidance of the patient throughout harsh battlefield of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
Side effects are to be anticipated such as; adhesion and surgical scars hair loses; weight reduction, immunity depression, sterility, nausea and secondary infections. After five years of survival, patient was believed to be cured no matter with the effects the treatment could bring to the general health of the patient. And the sad truth with these, large portion of cancer patients dies not because of the cancer but because of the effect and complications of the cancer treatments.

Diagnosis of cancer usually causes tough negative response to a lot of people; feeling of shame, terror or shock, and fatalism. The RFQMR gives us a new hope! When cancer is detected early on, this RFQMR procedure can offer an excellent possibility of remission minus the major side effects.
Cytotron therapy by means of RFQMR technology was a non-evasive, effective and safer option in treating tumors through arresting cancer cells partition that leads to degenerating tumor. Various clinical studies show that alteration in trans membrane potential of cells has a theatrical effect to the cells parameter together with the ion concentrations. RFQMR function helps to increasing of trans membrane potential of these cancerous cells commencing the problematical to a healthy range.
Several patients indulged during clinical trials have a fatal stage of the cancer and already lost their hope after some conventional treatments have failed them. After the RFQMR treatment, most of them feel the improvement of their life, they lived further than the calculated life span and some had even gone back to their normal lives.
RFQMR make use of radio frequency, low powered, non-ionized and none thermal electromagnetic wave. The major concern of this therapy is not about the instant damage of the cancerous cells, but somewhat, with the little amount of energy supplied to the cells in making the DNA's hysterical mitosis to stop. Set the cells in vegetative state then during apoptosis mechanisms permits the body to get relieved of those cancer cells with the controlled passion and the cells are programmed naturally for self destructing over the time.
RFQMR might be the choice in tumor cure for patients that are reluctant or incapable of having the surgeries, chemotherapy and radiotherapy or on whatever treatments had been failed. RFQMR rays are specifically focused to the tissues to modify the proton twist inside and out of the cells within the generation of pour out voltage potentials. This modifies the cell membrane which is potential in controlling cell mitosis.
For some patients diagnosed by a tumor with or without prior surgery, chemotherapy, or radiations, RFQMR changes the Cell Membrane Potential to selectively capture the cancer cell distribution and the tumor growth. Every cell has a restricted life extent and it is programmed naturally to die. Therefore, with RQFMR growth of these tumor cells will be arrested and will die without reaching the life's extent of their living. Then the death of these cancerous cells that had been arrested by the RFQMR will lead to a cancer -free body.
More and more people are being affected by cancer, either by getting cancer themselves or if a relative or friend gets it. Cancer puts fear in most people and very often it seems like there is no way out. Not only are conventional cancer treatments ineffective, but also dangerous and expensive. But there are cancer cures that are natural and non-toxic, which don`t destroy your body, but help to rebuild it.
Alternative medicine and the treatment of cancer
The question that a lot of ask themselves, is if there are effective and safe alternative cancer treatments, then why are not doctors using them? A huge amount of money is spent each year on cancer research and if there are safe and effective cancer treatments, then that would be a godsend. Yes, in an ideal world that would be the case, but everything is not black and white.
The best way to beat cancer is to work together with your doctor. The problem is that most doctors are not fully qualified to advice people on beating cancer, if they don`t educate themselves constantly about nutrition, microbiology, immunology, neurology, endocrinology, alternative medicine etc. Nobody can`t possible learn that much, so the more doctors that are experts in a certain field, give you advice, the better.
Drug companies are the ones that mostly fond doctors with research grants and curriculum materials in medical schools. Conventional medicine treats the symptoms of cancer with synthetical medication and that is not effective in healing people, but it is effective in making money. Every doctor has to walk on a very fine line and use treatments that are "acceptable," otherwise the doctor is in trouble. As you know the time you sped with a doctor, on an average visit is very short, maybe around a few minutes.
The goal for most people is to cure cancer effectively and certainly alternative medicine can help a lot. The more people educate themselves about alternative treatments and speak about them with their doctor, then the quality of the cancer treatments can only improve. The "Cancer Free" e-book by Bill Henderson, is a fantastic source of non-toxic cancer treatments and remedies. You can get that e-book and become an expert in alternative cancer treatments.

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